No Matter What

Last night, as I was ready to sign off Twitter, something came up. And in that moment I was compelled to send this series of messages out 140 characters at a time.
Daily, I work w/ entrepreneurs on product creation, or crafting their message, or media & there’s a common thread. Know what it is?
It’s a Desire. And from that desire stems an immense amount of energy. Despite the odds. And that just lights me up. To work w/ someone …
Someone who is so committed. No matter what. — Sure they’ve done their homework. That’s part of our arrangement. The thing is, they…
They follow through. Sure they experience setbacks. And yet, they gather themselves up… and they keep going.
And that’s where the magic is. — Keep going. — Screw it. And do it anyway. — Do it.
There’s only 1 way to know if you’re gonna make it. — And that 1 way is to see your way through. No matter what. No matter who.
Whatever path you’re on… I wish you the best. The absolute best. You can do it, and I believe in you.
I’d like to add one more thought to that. — If you find yourself at your wits end. In need of someone you can turn to. Someone you know can listen… and know they’ve been there. You reach out to me. — I’ll be here.