Video Tip of the Week

If you are being your genuine self on video…

Don’t Tell Me you’re being your genuine self on video.

Just BE your genuine self on video.

We all have that inner radar that can tell if someone is being genuine or not anyway.

If you’re full of it, we can tell.

If you’re being your genuine self… we can tell that too.

(We may not like what you say, or agree with it… but we get that you’re being true.)

And remember… not everybody is going to like your stuff.

But those who do… they’ll be back.

Focus on Them.

I was going to say “screw the rest of ’em”, but I won’t.

And as you Leave a Reply to this tip, remember to be your genuine self.

2 thoughts on “Video Tip of the Week

  1. Claudette Chenevert says:

    This is my first time here (Dineen Diette was what brought me here) and I started to peruse around your site when I noticed the Video tips of the week. I believe I attract what I need to help me move forward.

    I liked what you wrote (even the “screw the rest of ’em”). I guess that is one thing that is holding me back is the fear of what others will say or think. I also have an issue with the pitch of my voice too. I sound like a little girl at times.

    I like the suggestions about just be myself. I will make a commitment to myself to at least post on video of myself talking about why I love what I do.

    I just wanted to comment and say thanks for the tips. It was helpful.

  2. Joe Pena says:


    You may be surprised to learn that this is the chief concern most people have. We’re talking about people who (like you) are otherwise skilled and well-informed.

    I’m glad to have helped you to follow through on something I’m sure you’ll handle just fine.

    And here’s a secret. — The more you do it, the more at-ease you will become with the whole thing. — Think of the possibilities!

    Isn’t that exciting?


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