Are You Media Ready?


Yesterday, I helped get the word out to women in NYC, who could be guests on a new show. With help from some friends, we managed to reach a reasonably big audience. And the resulting responses proved that to be the case.

However, the question that lingered for me was this.

“These women… the one’s would would love to be a guest on Amy’s show… are they media-ready?”

If the call was for men, the question would be the same.

There’s somethng to be said for getting the kind of training needed to showcase yourself on camera (or radio for that matter).

Presently, I’m helping people prepare for a Radio interview. It could easily be done for on-camera interviews as well.

The keys are to have a Clear Message, Crisp Delivery, and Maintain Your Poise.

Easier said than done.

That’s why so many people (especially entrepreneurs) make the decision to get help preparing.

At least that’s what the smart ones do.

Get The Word Out