Enlighten Me – Carol Quinn
Topic: Can coaching be done effectively on 3 occasions, in a friend-to-friend setting? Guest: Carol Quinn Entrepreneur, advertising creative and
media to lift the human spirit
Topic: Can coaching be done effectively on 3 occasions, in a friend-to-friend setting? Guest: Carol Quinn Entrepreneur, advertising creative and
Topic: A practical (and safer) way to ensure your stuff is clean. Guest: Jessica PohlKamp Jessica White Pohlkamp M.P.T. is
Topic: Find out how you can craft (or polish) your message with help from a pro. Guest: Felicia J. Slattery
Topic: Making a difference in Women’s lives today and girls becoming women in years to come. Guest: Shann VanderLeek Unconventional,
Topic: Starting a biz, taking a chance, while you keep one foot on solid ground. Guest: Marie Walker-Riddle For approximately
Topic: When it comes to your diet, going raw isn’t what it used to be. Guest: Tina Jo Stephens Tina