Video Tip of the Week

Record a number of video clips in one sitting.

That’s right.

I don’t know about you, but when it comes to blogging, audio, and video… there are times when I’m inspired (and it just flows out of me)… and there are times when I’m not.

So, with that in mind…

If you’re doing any of those activities, and you’re inspired… fire away!

Write more than one post.

Record more than one audio.

Film more than one video.

Besides, it’s a more efficient use of your time (not to mention your energy), don’t you agree?

Alright. Let me know if this (or any of my) tips has been of help to you.

That would make my day.


1 thought on “Video Tip of the Week

  1. N says:

    This video tip is just fabulously wonderful. With your inspiration…I recorded a series of 6 to 7 video takes of myself live last week (pretty good for someone who is “camera shy”). You’re absolutely right, when the inspiration flows…it flows so best to do a number of them. You know I’m a regular visitor with all that you offer on this site (and your tips are always superb). Keep Rocking!

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