Video Tip of the Week (for artists)

Each time I visit an artist’s site, I see beautiful paintings, sketchings… you name it.

I often see a video playing out in my head. One where I hear the artist talking to me about their work, while visually… the camera is panning across various parts of it.

Sometimes the camera focuses on what the artist is pointing out… and others simply revealing details that would normally escape the eye of a casual observer.

It draws them in.

It engages the viewer with something they may never have considered. Never noticed. Never bothered to notice.

When I see art, I often wonder what the artist has to say.

I hear their voice in my head (or at least imagine I do). — Doesn’t happen all the time. It happens when I’m willing to dwell for a bit.

I’m intrigued by artists.

They have a gift that can be appreciated in so many ways.

I just wish they weren’t so wierd. 😉

3 thoughts on “Video Tip of the Week (for artists)

  1. Robin Maria Pedrero says:

    Thank you for the tribute!! You see avideo playing in your head and “we” are weird…lol jk I see videos in my head al the time!!

  2. Karen McLain says:

    Great piece Joe. You make me think about my art in a more verbal way. Lot’s of stories to tell! Let me know if you are ever in the Phoenix area, I’ll buy you a cup of coffee. (I hope that’s not too weird:))

  3. Laayne says:

    You’re weird! lol! Hey, we’re going to be learning how to sync sound and video here. Come on by and give us some tips. We will be putting up guitar demo vids on our site. Have a fabulous day, Joe!

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